Episode 37: How to Spark a Conversation in a Distracted World

Born and raised in San Diego, CA, Adam Sobieski is an entrepreneur, Director of Sales, a passionate traveler, and thrill-seeker. Adam has been buying real estate in San Diego, CA since the Great Recession of 2008-09. He owns a company called Sharp Retention that will generate around $3 million in revenue this year. Additionally, Adam is also Director of Sales for Best Day of My Life LLC.

While sales and business ownership play a central role in his success, Adam also recognizes the value in traveling and experiencing the world up-close. He lived in a tent in Kenya for a month with the Maasai tribe. Shortly thereafter, Adam summited Mt. Kilimanjaro in the middle of a blizzard at an elevation of almost 20,000 feet. Adam lived in Peru where he surfed the longest ocean wave on the planet every day for 30 days straight, the wave breaks for up to a mile long here. Adam has heli-boarded in the backcountry terrain of Canada.. twice. Adam’s next adventure will be at the end of this year when he will be traveling with his wife to New Zealand where they will rent a motorhome for 2 weeks and take on the world’s largest bungee jump. In short, Adam believes taking risks is the most practical way to be risk averse nowadays.

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